segunda-feira, 28 de março de 2011

Germany, Kavalleriemusik, 1941

Germany, Luftwaffenmusikkorps, 1941

Germany, Kavallerie Signalhorn, 1941

Germany, Road to the Front, 1941

Germany, Ammunition Resupply in the Eastern Front, 1941

Germany, Submarine Crew, 1941

United Kingdon, Howitzer 234mm, c.1943

United Kingdon, 102mm Artillery, c.1943

United Kingdon, Coast Artillery, c.1943

United Kingdon, Tanks, c.1942

South Africa, Transvaal Horse Artilerry, Mess Dress,c.1950

Left: pre 1950                                     Right: post 1950

Japan, Artillery, c.1904

United Kingdon, King's Life Guards, 1660

United Kingdon, 68th Regiment of Foot, 1792

terça-feira, 22 de março de 2011

Germany, in Kiev, 1941

Germany, Ukrainian Front, Cross the Dnieper, 1941

Germany, Ukrainian Fronte, Artillery Cross the Dnieper, 1941

Germany, Ukrainian Front, 1941

Germany, Ukrainian Front, 1941

Germany, Ukrainian Fronte, Dnieper River, 1941

Germany, Ukrainian Fronte, 1941

Germany, Ukrainian Front, 1941

Germany, Finland Front, 1941

Germany, Howitzer, 1941

Russia, Cossacks cross the Danube opposite Simnitza, 1883

United Kingdon, Howitzers of 234mm, c.1943

United Kingdon, Tank "Matilda", c.1940

United Kingdon, British Tank in the batlle of Hertogenbosch

United Kingdon, Netherlands Campaign, 1944

South Africa; Light Horse Regiment (Formerly Imperial Light Horse)

Undress Order, 1965

Mess Dress,1965

Summer Dress, 1959

domingo, 13 de março de 2011

United Kingdon, Royal Regiment of Tanks, c.1942

United Kingdon; Artillery, c.1942

Japan; Types of Japonese Soldiers, c.1910

Russia, Types of Russian Soldiers, c.1910

Netherland; Garderegiment, 1949

Prinses Irene



U.S.A.; American Troops in Europe, c.1941

United Kingdon; Tht British in Malaca, 1942

U.S.A; Rangers in Tunisia, 1942